Egg n Spoon Race


Weekend Hire
Select Friday’s date of your Party

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On your Marks ….
Rent an Egg n Spoon Race – 8 Set.  The first player to reach the finish line without dropping his|her egg is the winner!
You will have lots of fun and giggles to see who can make it to the end of the race with an unbroken egg.
Game variations:
All players have to hop on one foot
Try that players must walk backwards
Or players must turn in circles towards the finish line

Instills Confidence, Gross Motor Skills, Hand eye co-ordination, Physical development

Hire an Egg n Spoon Race – 8 Set for $10 per weekend (Friday – Monday)

Create a Sports Pack with: Skipping Ropes, Hula Hoops, Tunnels, Egg and Spoon, Jump Sacks, Three Legged Race, Bean Bags (see seperate listings)